I hope this finds everyone well..
As the old year departs and the new year creeps in, I find myself reflecting upon the past. Yes, even I, Phineas Matova, Man About Town, Poet at Large and general bon vivant, will stop and reflect upon the past.
Of course, when one has been locked in one's room by one short, irascible, table-tipping auntie, one is rather forced to find a way to occupy one's time. That was the major unfortunate development this year....finding myself under the eagle eye and in the withered talons of one Auntie Juniper. *shudders*
Beyond that disturbing development, it wasn't a bad year. I managed to avoid spending time in either gaol or the sanitorium.
I came close this summer . after being accused of burning my cousins house down (it was the unicorn!!) and only managed to escape by becoming a fugitive in Tanglewood. The life of an outlaw, filled as it was with tinies with pointed sticks and poison ivy, was still preferable to the drudgery that was to await me when Auntie Juniper swooped in and carted me off to her boarding house that smells of boiled cabbage and wet wool.
My hope for this year, as years past is to locate a young lady with a castle who can support - I mean become my lovely blushing bride.